Mungus Amoungus

“Incoming message Horror. Sounds like the Molden heath Intel channel found our Thrasher, and your girl” Dante comments.

I ignore his tone and check the intel for myself. Apparently a Carebear that owed me a favor after I got him out of losing a scorpion navy issue, had heard that I was looking for her, and found her for me:



I have located your thief, although the files on her indicate that it would not be optimal to engage this particular target, as she is protected by someone with much higher access than I. Can only mean she is connected to someone powerful in the Republic.


Dudreda, she is docked and in the Republic Military School. She is not alone, at least 100 Eve University Low Sec Camp members roam that area. Hagular is also a known, dangerous system. Do be carefull Horror, XXXXX XXXXXX out.

End Transmission.


“Set destination to Dudreda, I believe we have a rifter that will be quick enough to run the high sec camps.” I smile

“Sir…You are beaming.”


“We are going to die horribly in that rust bucket. I think it is missing a few thrusters.”

“We are good.”

“I’m not sure, Horror, one of the wings is a section of stationing panel.”

“You don’t mean station paneling, you mean, improvised bulkhead.”

“We are all doomed.”

Excellent! Prepare to depart!” I can’t help but smile. Screaming through high sec space, with the faction police tailing us, things falling off of my rifter, hoping the carebears and concord agents don’t get wind of our direction and set up a gate camp. Not to mention diving right into what is truly a snakepit for an outlaw like myself, Eve University has been likened to puppies, but 40 or 50 sets of puppy teeth are still dangerous, and the Eve Uni Camp has more than one old, wise, clever wolves leading the pups. All to recover a thrasher worth less than Dante’s shirt, from a bounty hunter with extremely dangerous government connections that could probably get us all hunted and killed so fast, we would be both dead, and in shock.


We tear across high sec with little incident, the faction police can’t catch our lithe, quick rifter. As we land in Hagular, E uni has a few pilots in system, and maybe 20 neuts in system. We ove on to Dudreda, and I double check my locations to make sure I have an instant warp off of the Eve Uni station. As I dock, we scan the ship bays for our Thrasher’s ship ID code, Dante finds it, and unlocks the docking mechanism. 

“Great work Dante, I’m going for it!”

“You are going to get us all…”

I run out of the room as his words trail of behind me.


I run RIGHT past two E uni students, who take a second to realize a filthy pirate is sprinting through the station, but quickly sound the alarm. I find the bay and enter the code to enter the ship. Completely empty. She is nowhere to be found. My shoulder comms crackle with Dante’s voice, “Horror?”

I reply, “How are we doing?” 

“Really bad.”

“So according to plan. Excellent!”

“We have to get out of here, we are about to be boarded,”

I remember that there is a large pocket next to dudreda, lots of room to fight or escape if needed, even better, an easy place for people under E-uni protection to hide, “Get out of here, we will dock the rifter and thrasher in bottow station, then lets make a run for it with the Thrasher…Heh, or split them up enough to pop a few, might as well make ourselves a little isk while we are here.”

We undock into E uni soup, Battlecruisers and tackle frigs swarming around destroyers and ecm boats. Planning is the way to survive, I warp the Thrasher out to our Instant undock and watch the Unista fleet, now 350km plus away begin aligning as I warp to Haki.


We pop through the Haki gate, and local comms lights up with Mungus and some friends saying hello, “3D! You filthy bastard, how are you mate?”

“I have Eve University RIGHT on my ass, for stealing my own Thrasher back.” I reply, while overheating guns and burning back towards the gate, “Could I get an assist?”

“Roger That, follow us to XXXXX and we wills et up in a belt, try to spread them out or grab a few before their blob lands.”

As the first of the Unistas come through the gate in afrig, he targets me, and engages us because he can without gate guns, I turn the thrasher and call for point and overheat the guns. Dante calls out point, and I kick in the wmd and manually fly a tight 10km spiral, shredding the frig with 200mm autcannons. The second he is down I run to the XXXXX gate, I ke sure he sees me do it.


“Ok they might follow us guys, I just caught one agressed on gate.” I say, as we are cleared to link up our computers with the rest of the fleet.

They do follow, the first Unista lands in a Catalyst, and I call point, start my orbit well out of blaster range, and quickly melt their spear tip. As a Caracal, Maller, ECM boats, and a pair of ares land, Our FC calls primary and secondary, and we sweep into try and catch or chase off the ares.

“Maller resist tanked! Overheat! Burn burn burn!” The maller shatters into fiery explosions and debris, and the ares im just sliding into range on, aligns to the sun at full speed and bails.


I turn and begin tracking towards the next ares, as the notification that my fleet member has been warp scrambled flickers across the console in red. I bank into a tight spiral, but he is way to fast for my thrasher and he slides out of gun range and warps off. As I turn back to engage the rest, I see a caracal explode.

“Bail bail bail, reinforcements incoming”

I align to warp away as the oracle and brutix land on field and primary my lil thrasher instantly. We warp the pod away. One thrasher for 2 cruisers, a desi and a frig isn’t a bad days work. Once we split the loot, I ask about my elusive blonde, and Mungus says, “Oh you mean the amarr royal family girl? I know where she is hiding.”

“Amarr royal family!?” I ask, a little shocked.

“Thats the rumor, and I know right where she is too.” Mungus replies

“You just became my favorite pod jockey then, didn’t you? What is it worth to you my friend? Lets make a deal” I can’t help but smile.

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